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Written by Nina Greenberg - 8/24/2020

    People of any and every gender find themselves subjected to societal expectations and standards every single day. I’ve grown up in a world where I’ve experienced both sexism and sexual harassment simply due to my gender—and I am not alone. Ninety-nine percent of women report experiencing street harassment, like catcalling, while in public places. Furthermore, more than sixty-five percent reported dealing with this on a monthly basis. During All For Us Magazine’s Gender Expectations photoshoot, we interviewed each of our models: three girls, three boys. One of our models, Kaitlin McKay-Cohen, was asked what she would say to the people behind street harassment. She responded, saying: “I’d tell them to stop catcalling because it never works and it’s so demeaning. I don’t care if they think they’re being nice or giving you a compliment. It’s not a compliment; it’s creepy, it’s weird, it’s disgusting, and everyone should just stop.”

    I’ve been told before that I live in a man’s world. That, as a woman, I will always be viewed as lesser than. To me, this is unacceptable. To me, this is a challenge. My ability to succeed, my ability to work should not be defined by my gender. During her interview, another model, Layne Griffith, recounted being treated like a prize by a previous boyfriend. “I’m not a trophy,” she said. “I would just tell men to back off, because…[women] can do the same things you can and we’ve proven it over and over again.” Women have traditionally been viewed as housewives and men as workers, and it is past time this stereotype be left behind. Women and men deserve to be viewed, paid, and treated equally. 

    It is important to recognize that, while women are usually highlighted in terms of gender stereotypes or mistreatment, men also face heavy pressure from societal expectations. Every single model explained feeling pressure from society to act a certain way, to look a certain way, to pursue certain careers and lifestyles. All three male models, Preston Ramirez, Detrick Hills, and Sean Carter, detailed the masculine stereotype: being a breadwinner, being strong, making money for the household, and most importantly, not letting anything “phase you”. In contrast to the standards placed upon women, it is clear why society still follows a foundation set by a sexist history. However, this is no excuse for a continued stigma towards either gender. 

    As our generation continues to make history and set the stage for a new era of social change and justice, it is vital that we include recognition and appreciation for all genders. Flora, one of our models who was a foreign exchange student from Germany, talked about the stereotypes within her home country. “We’ve had a woman as the chancellor in Germany, since 2005, and you’d think that the whole gender expectation thing would be…way more modern,” she explained. Yet, “not as many women have [as] high positions as men…,and there still is a pay gap, a gender pay gap. I think it’s about 10%, which is pretty sad if you think about it,” she continued. She also touched on differentiation between genders within the German language, talking about how the word “student” has “two forms; one is for all female students and one is for all male students,” implying the female word for student is less respectable. She concluded by explaining how examples like this have risen within political debates regarding adapting the language to more modern times. 

    But these are the discussions we should be having. We should be pushing for social change, pushing for fairness between all genders, acceptance of traits and characteristics that defy the social norms. We cannot sit idly by and continue to let ourselves be held to standards that do not define us, especially not those that hold us back. No one should feel lesser than, less capable. No one should let go of dreams and goals just because of what society tells them. No one should feel the need to conform to supposed idealistic identities. As people, we owe it to ourselves to feel free in our own skin, free in our choices and actions, and free to do whatever we desire, no matter what gender we identify with. 

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2020 - ALL FOR US

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