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This magazine is a dream to me. A creation that came from a place of passion and art within my friends and me. It provides me with a creative outlet to explore and share my visions. I need art in my life, something other than boring daily routines and goals you don’t look forward to accomplishing. A combination of self expression, video, fashion, photography, digital media, and social action makes up All for Us, a platform for teens to create what they want to see in their reality, a place for us to connect through creativity. A place for us to speak out against injustice, against negatively enforced stereotypes and societal restrictions. This magazine is a beautiful thing to me and I’m more than grateful to be apart of it. It’s a blueprint of everything I desire for my friends and teens everywhere.


Advocacy has always been very important to me, especially for issues I feel strongly about. With All For Us, I’m able to work together with Hannah, Angela, Sofia, and Grace to create a passion project that gives us and teens around the world a platform to speak out and break stereotypes. This magazine is so important to me, and its incredible to see how even now, at the beginning, we're inspiring other people around us. To me that's amazing! I want to encourage others to speak up about what they believe in, and I want people to fall in love with this magazine just as I have. I work as a photographer, direct and plan shoots, help manage our social media, and design the website. By combining photography with videos, interviews, and writing, I think this magazine uniquely gives insight into the lives of teens and what we care about. This magazine is for us. 



Growing up, I have always liked to think that nobody truly understands you but yourself, and everyone always has a different story to share. Whether their story be about an issue as simple as the school dress-code or a complex issue like gender stereotyping, I love to learn about the different experiences people have faced. Because of this, I want to share more of these stories, to show more people what it’s like to face these issues, but it can sometimes be hard to tell in a captivating way. This is why I’ve always loved photography- you can illustrate who you are behind the camera and ideas that words can’t express. Due to this, I am beyond excited to work with All For Us magazine to use photography as a means to advocate for issues that need to be more commonly addressed in society.


I believe that everyone should speak their mind every chance they get and try to create change where there should be. This magazine gives us a chance to be able to say how we feel and broadcast our opinions on topics that are important to not only us but teens everywhere. Minorities, especially, need a safe platform to be able to talk freely and openly and All For Us gives teens an opportunity to express themselves which is easily one of the most important things in our lives. The magazine and website are how we are able to convey our creativity through photoshoots and videos that allow us to take the reins on issues we want to talk about and address them however we see fit.



This magazine is something that’s been building up for years. We’ve always cared about and advocated for all of the issues we discuss in this magazine. Now we have a platform to be able to speak out and let our voices be heard amongst our peers. And although this magazine was made for us to broadcast our opinions, this magazine is for all of us to speak our truths on issues we care about. 

2020 - ALL FOR US

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